Chinese medicine is a highly pragmatic and effective system of health care with several distinct features. It recognises that health is more than just the absence of disease and places a strong emphasis on preventive health care. The patient taking an active role in the treatment process is seen as an essential part of maintaining health and overcoming illness.
At its core Chinese medicine is based on experiential knowledge of the body and mind gained during exercise and meditation combined with philosophical concepts and knowledge gained through the observation and study of human anatomy, the natural world, and human society. This was used to create a comprehensive medical system including herbal medicine, dietetics & lifestyle, acupuncture, massage, qi gong and meditation which has been refined through millennia of clinical usage.
The theory behind Chinese medicine is that a living human body is imbued with energy (qi) and blood which are fundamental for its healthy functioning. The ease with which these circulate directly correlates to your sense of being fully alive. Illness and disease are considered to arise or remain because these circulations are blocked in some way. Chinese medicine aims to release these blockages in the tissues, energy flow, and mind so that daily life becomes a pleasure rather than a burden.
Diagnosis is carried out by a combination of palpation, observation, questioning and listening after which the most suitable treatment methods are then chosen.