Daoist adept practising meditation
Chinese medicine has detailed models for understanding the human mind, how it functions, how to treat it and what its optimal state is. These models, like those of psychotherapy, are informed by an underlying philosophical and scientific world view but one radically different to our own.
The deepest aspects of the psyche were both explored and treated through studying the various meditation practices and philosophies of Daoism, and this approach is currently being mirrored in some of the modern applications of mindfulness within clinical psychotherapy.
Whilst I do not offer treatment of the psyche explicitly, I do believe that my intellectual studies, practical training and clinical experience gained over the last 15 years in both Daoism and Chinese medicine have given me good understanding and insights from these perspectives.
Exploring radically different world views can be fascinating, challenging and rewarding. If you have an interest or curiosity in this area then it could become part of the work we do together through verbal discussion and through learning the initial stages of Daoist mindfulness practices.